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Harrisburg Hunters' and Anglers' Association

The BB Gun Riflemen Teams Past and Present

The youth on our team are between the ages of 8 and 15 and have shown that dedication and hard work pay off. Qualifying for Nationals is what they strive to achieve year after year. 


Our team would like to thank Jerry, the President of HH&A and the rest of the board and members. Without the club, we would not be a successful team. We are very lucky to be part of such a great club. For the 2013 and 2017 state matches, they made sure we had the space needed to host those matches and that everything was in place for the day. The club's volunteer caretakers made sure everything was in working order. Massive amounts of thank yous do not seem to be enough to show our gratitude to them! We look forward to working with all of them again when we host the state match in 2021.


And... to all those parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, siblings, and big brothers/big sisters who take the time out of their schedules so these kids can be at practice and competitions, THANK YOU!


Each year at the state match, a trophy, medal, or certificate of some sort is earned by at least one of our shooters. That is truly an outstanding accomplishment! Some teams do not earn any recognition at a match. We are truly grateful to each of our shooting families that strive for success. Here's a glimpse at some of our past shooters:

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